Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New Orleans

New Orleans is known for the food, the French Quarter, and Mardi Gras. Even if we are not out partying all night we still need to sleep. Up all night working on the cities pain. The city is in the process of doing what is just and true. This is a musical city that mixes culture and excitement.

Actions that have happen after Hurricane Katrina are continuously pursued for the truth and the good of the community. Denzel needs his coffee to continue his investigation. With the many shoots of Canal street, New Orleans comes alive. The history is beautiful and unlike other cities there seems to be a real search for the truth.

DEJAVU: This movie is all about knowing people. After the disaster that the city went through, the residents joined forces. They became one to fight for the good of all. Denzel Washington is working on the explosion case that deals with another death of a women. He is trying to find the killer because now it is personal. Denzel talked to the girls father and he gave him some pictures, "to make it persona.l" The father realizes that there are so many cases that only the special will get the chance to be investigated.

In DEJAVU there is a constant peak back at the stress that the city has and still currently endures. Driving through the areas that have not yet been cleaned up from the hurricane, one can see that the city is not done recovering. The people always seem to try. Using a device to see the past happening on a digital system the police department is trying to catch a killer that murdered a girl and a whole ferry full of people on Mardi Gras as a demonstration of his devotion to his country.

Runaway Jury: Taking place before hurricane Katrina, these anti-gun activists finally get the chance to get even for the killing of John Cusack's girlfriends sister and the case that bankrupted their small hometown. Cusack at the end wins in a blackmale battle of the jury coming up with a just and true verdict. Cusack secures the jury from the evil gun company and the same lawyer that tried the case from his childhood shooting.

When the gun companies lawyer asked why they were involved with such a scandal, Cusack responds that without the gun companies lawyer to meddle with the other jury members and force them to vote in favor of the gun company, Cusack could "let justice happen."

Creating Knowledge: People died, New Orleans has a rough history, but the people and noise make everything better. People that have been pushed from New Orleans return to give the city a second try at their future. The people are always trying to create justice. With Cusack's culmination of life work ending with the prosecution of the gun company who willingly handed out fire arms without checking references, he fulfills his life work.

Denzel tells the decided father that he will find the truth, and even after leaps and bounds he continues to push on in his research. "The truth will set you free".

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Chicago is a busy city. It is a migrant city. The one thing that keeps the city of Chicago is flowing with an age old work ethic. Do people in Chicago live to work or work to live? I believe that the work ethic is so strong, people live to work. I will display this through two movie set in Chicago. The Fugitive is about a man accused of killing his wife, he escapes from the pen and is now on the run. My Big Fat Greek Wedding is about a woman stuck in an everyday routine at the age of thirty and a love story.

Chicago is a melting pot of diversity. Chicago is situated in the railroad and had been a transportation and shipping hub for the last century. During the industrial era city residents worked so hard, this still continues in the city today.

The fugitive: Harrison Ford is on the run. He returns back to the hospital that he works at to investigate and reunite with people he knows. He spends time in the hospital and ends up deviating from a doctors orders and saving a boys life. Although he is in the hospital looking for evidence he can not stop helping and assisting health service workers.

Harrison Ford is invested in his career. His free time is spent with his coworkers at work events. He lives and breathes work.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding: Toula is mot married, she is not really educated, and she still works for the family business. She serves food at Dancing Zorba's, her parents Greek restaurant. Toula gets up early and with her family is devoted to serving, running, cooking, and financing the restaurant.

With all this work Toula is unable to meet any men and is always shunned for being "so old." Toula wants to take classes at the university and along with her mother tricks her father into letting her take computer classes to better the family business.

Toula goes to school and works at the travel agency her family owns because she is good at computers. Toula always thinks about two things, being accepted by her family and working hard for them. Toula rarely does anything for herself.

Creating Knowledge: Chicago is a city of workers. Unemployment is higher then the US average here. Meaning there are plenty of people waiting for jobs. Hard work is necessary to keep a job. Toula and Harrison Ford both represent the ethics that are Chicago.