Tuesday, February 5, 2008

New York: Where Big Might Not Be Better

The City: New York City is the city that never sleeps. Our economic center that was hit during the day of 911. Big: New York is large, five bouroughs, the statue of liberty, the big apple. All are larger then life. New York oozes living large. There is so much capital that comes in and out of New York. The idea of "big" attracts tourist, investors, immigrants, and employees.

You've Got Mail:
Big, Meg Ryan thinks big is bad, her store around the corner is coming to its demise where Fox Books superstore comes into her neighborhood. Mr. Fox himself (Tom Hanks) and Meg have been chatting over the internet and have been indulging in book and intelectual conversation. Fox Books plans on running "The Little Shop Around The Corner" out of business and crushing them with the cheap prices. The truth is, they do. Wall-Mart displaces many grocery stores every year. Big is cheaper, but is it better?

The suits as Meg refers to Tom Hanks rule the economic centers. These small shops that in Portland Oregon we support so much in new york city often do not survive the New York City lifestyle. Though This movie is a love story, Meg falls for a closeted small business apreciator? Really? How is this possible. There is no way me and Mr. Wal-Mart would ever procreate, I can not stand the coorporation mentality. Big might take you to a spendy dinner, might get you a great manhattan apartment, but big will always think money is more important then you.

Unfaithful: A happily married women commutes from the suburbs to the city everyday for her blue collar job. The suburbs are small, strange yet welcoming. Lane and Gere play a married hardworking couple with a son. The family collects snow globes. The ultimate analogy of perfection. This perfect globe. Like Suburbia.

One windy day, Lane has a colision with Martinez, a young french book dealer. She skins her knee and come up to a random mans apartment for a band-aid. First, he is attractive, second, the big city must be attracting her to come back and see him. The boring suburbs with her planned out life only seem good enough once she repetitively sleeps with the best things about she is about to lose.

Gere finds out (because she can hide it well) and kills the frenchman with a snow globe. He killed the city boy with a pristine ball of suburbia. Big vs. little. Big might be sexier, saucier, but what about your family. The Thriller leaves you hanging.

Creating knowledge: Big vs. Little. A big city sound like a lot of fun, but there are great things about a small town. Lavish parties are great, but Lane created what she always wanted, a loving husband, house, family, friends and job. Meg Knew every costomers name in the little book store she owned. I go to a coffee shop where I am known by my first name. There is something mysterious about a big cities posibilities. Big might be economically profitable but I rather someone knew my name.

I prefer small. Small is personally rewarding.

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